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List of places of work or services requiring a check

If you cannot identify yourself with any of the places or services which are listed below, then it means that you are not doing child related work and thus, you might not be required to provide a police check. But there are some exceptions like in case your organization asks you to do a police check application. If you have been asked to get a check done, then you have to adhere to that.

The services and places include the following:

  • Child care services which include occasional care, long day care, in-home care, family day care, outside school hours care.
  • Supervisor for children employment. When you supervise a child who is under 14 years of age in employment under the Act of 2013 of Child Employment.
  • Child minding including baby sitting or child-minding services which are arranged by a commercial agency.
  • Child protection services which entail services provided for the protection of the child.
  • Children services including preschools or kindergartens under the Act 1996 of the Children’s services.
  • Clubs and associations or movements of a recreational, cultural, or sporting nature which provides conduct or services for or directed at the children or whose membership includes mostly of children.
  • Tuition and coaching or private tuition services of any particular kind specifically for the children.
  • Counselling service or any other support services meant for children.
  • Educational institutions for children especially
    • State schools including all secondary, primary, special and technical state schools
    • The non-governmental schools including all the primary, all the secondary, and all the special non-government schools
    • TAFE divisions and TAFE colleges of universities that provide VCE and the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning – the VCAL subjects
    • Some of the adult education providers who offer the VCAL or the VCE subjects
    • Other institutions which provide children training or study programs
  • Party and entertainment services including commercial or party entertainment services for children unless they happen to be incidental to or supporting other activities of business
  • Foster care which including caring for fostering children
  • Gym or the play facilities including play facilities or commercial gym for children unless they are only incidental too or in support of other activities of business.
  • Kinship care including about caring for the child that is placed by the Child Protection which is under the Act 2005 with the Children, Youth and the Families.
  • Services of out of home care which are under the Act 2005 of the Children, Youth and the Families
  • The Pediatric Wards of private, public or hospitals that are denominational the way they are defined in the Act 1988 of Health Services
  • Photography services for the children unless they are incidental to or just supporting other business activities.
  • Refuges or other facilities for residential utilized by children
  • Religion which are religious organizations
  • Schools crossing services
  • Student exchange programs or the home stay arrangements under 4.5A of the Act 2006 of the Education and Training Reforms which includes accommodation in someone’s home.

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