When you have a business website that relies on its visibility to bring new customers and make your company profitable, any significant update from the search engines such as Google will need to be looked at closely. Google will be launching their Page Experience update in May 2021, which will affect many websites that are not prepared. If you have a business website that is not getting ready for this, below are some of the reasons you should prioritise this for your business.
What Is The Page Experience Update?
The Page Experience update will look at how users interact with websites, including mobile friendliness, page loading speed, and browsers’ safety and security. Many sites are lucky and currently enjoy top rankings, but when they have issues with Page Experience, according to Google, then when they launch the update, they may see a significant drop in online visibility, which can have a dramatic effect on sales. It is something that you will need to prioritise to ensure that customers can find your business online. If you do not have the expertise in-house, you may wish to consult with a reputable online marketing company to assist you.
Finding A Reputable Company To Help
If you do not already have a web development company or online marketing company to help with your website, it is something that you need to look at now. You will want to speak to as many reputable agencies that are local to you as you can and explain your concerns about the upcoming update. Most reputable companies are already aware of this upcoming update, so they can assess your site easily and highlight areas that you will need to work on to help protect your online visibility. They can ensure that the mobile version of your site loads correctly and quickly and strengthen existing SEO for your site to increase your overall rankings once the dust settles from the update.
Research Any Potential Company Thoroughly
When searching for a company to partner with to combat this update, you will need to ensure that you do your homework. Research the online reputation of any company you are thinking of working with and see what their customers say about their experiences with the company. Check to see that they do what they preach and that their website follows the advice they give. Take your time to make your decision, but not too much time, and you can help get your site ready and protect it from the potential effects of the update. Failing to prepare for this update may mean your business becomes less profitable, and it may take you a long time to reach the previous levels of success you enjoyed.